
Long overdue update

I'm considering restarting this blog. If I do I'm going to move it to another location (probably not with Blogger either) but I'll update this blog with the new location.
Out of curiosity, how many people have used this blog in the past? Leave a comment below to let me know.


The end of toku finder

I'm afraid due to new work commitments and the fact that my internet access for the last few weeks have been very poor, I'm going to have to give up on toku finder. If anyone is interested in taking over, I'd be glad to set it up for you, just leave a comment and I'll contact you with information.


AbaRanger 03

group have just released Bakuryuu Sentai AbaRanger episode 03, go get it now!


Bakuryuu Sentai AbaRanger at Play Asia

P.S. Skewed have re-released most of their Sentai subs with better encodes, so go to their page and give it a look-see.


Kiva Adventure DVD

tvnihon have just released Kamen Rider Kiva Adventure DVD, go get it now!


Kamen Rider Kiva at Play Asia

EDIT: I've changed the link to the new version with CRCs, go to tvnihon to find the new names for the files if you started the original torrent.

Kiva 45

tvnihon have just released Kamen Rider Kiva episode 45, go get it now!


Kamen Rider Kiva at Play Asia


Amazon 07

Hi No Tori have just released Kamen Rider Amazon episode 07, go get it now!


Kamen Rider Amazon at Play Asia
